BRCPO9 - PO9 - On Esplanade(!!) & 8:01


Burning Man 2024 is Sunday, Aug 25, 2024 to Monday, Sep 2, 2024


Official BM website for up-to-date ticketing information:

DGS Campfees were due on or before Feb 14th.

Work/trade is over, you're too late to the party.

We may have campmates' slots to be taken over. They come with BM2024 tickets. If you've paid campfees in advance, you'll be first contacted to take over those opportunities.

VP are short supply, one left if you're getting multiple tickets.
Mention if you qualify for R.I.D.E.

You're in STEP, right?

If you have secured BM2024 tickets, and are looking for a camp, we have some space. Yes, we can take a couple of large RVs. We do have tent-shade blocks (10'x10') still left (going fast). We have *A* tent spot available, but you have to throw down for a full-price ticket(s) (from us), plus camp-fees.

SAP is still available, if you want to arrive a little early and help us finish setting up.

Organizing now, but reach out:, kinda slack on IG recently, some Twitter (until it burns). FB is up, make sure you get the right one.

We operate on a 'first paid, first served' model. We will sometimes hold stuff till the end-of-day, feel free to confirm. We don't refund campfees - UNLESS we can replace you (ie: when we get money in, we buy infrastructure - so can't give your money back). If you got tickets with campfees, we also need the tickets back (D'uh).

Things we're looking for: / Infrastructure requests:

This list updates often, please refresh your page.

Want to be a Postie? Get in touch. Paid camp-fees, or work-trade prior to DGS, is how you get guaranteed tickets. If you're at BM2024, come help us load or MOOP, and get considered for 2025 (assuming we're back, no pandemic cancellation, etc). If you got tickets in the Main Sale lottery, and just need some camping space let's talk...

(we're mostly filled)... Talking with a few people, if you want to snatch their spot wave money first - and come in hot with your space requirements, and all your deets.

brcpo9(at)g m a i l

If you have tickets, we have lower-than-premium DGS campfees - but not a lot of camp services.

We don't run shifts, but we *do* expect you to make yourself present to work a number of hours. It's shady, so it's not bad.

As per Placement restrictions, SAP is only available to people who camp with us. As per prior experiences, if you want to be considered for SAP on a work-trade basis, please show up a year early (ie: in 2022 for consideration in 2023), and help MOOP / load-out. If this sucks, you may thank prior flaky burners for ruining a good thing - do better than them.


Want the very latest? Use (mostly fallen into disuse, since redesign - may be used on-playa, as easiest on data).

Want to see interesting pix? Use

Short videos? Use

Want to see other pix? Use
For example: PO9's reduced version of the 2018 Burning Man MOOP Map (7.6M vs 38M)
2018 inside
2018 outside

Only socialize through that one website? Use

#PO9 is the box holder, and with #POatSix (PO@6) we continue to do delivery of USPS mail to the playa (as we have been since before the old BRCPO stopped doing general delivery).

Here's #USPS addressing info for #BlackRockCity is current for #BurningMan2024. Please don't send mail until mid-Aug, or it may be returned to sender.

#PO9 is the box holder, and with #POatSix (PO@6) we continue to do delivery of USPS mail to the playa.

As per USPS:

"All mail that is not addressed with C/O and with a correct PO Box number will be returned to sender that day."

Get your addressing correct.


When will my USPS mail arrive on-playa? Then add 1-2 days, depending on when we go out to get the mail.

Sending internationally? Send earlier.


Name of Findable Recipient: (legal name *and* Playa Name is best) / [optionally: Can also be instructions]

Camp Name

Camp Address: (Be specific, is there a huge sign? dome? red truck? Intersections are 4 blocks; use 9:01 or 8:59 and man-side or mtn-side to differentiate which block you mean (ie: 9 & F is a BAD address (could mean any of 4 different blocks) vs. 9:03 & F mtn-side)).

[Optional: Build week: [day; eg: m,t,w,th,f,s,su]]
[Optional: Hold: (specify: PO6, or PO9)]

c/o BRCPO9
PO BOX 149
Gerlach NV, 89412-0149


No drugs (federal land; federal LEOs don't care what's legal in NV) - doggos will be sniffing your stuff.

No camp/building supplies/large items; eg: mail needs to share space in a milk crate (a 12" cube is as large as we prefer) or a bike basket. Delivery persons go on foot and bike, not a mail truck.

No heavy packages. If you can't walk it a mile while carrying it, reconsider.

No drugs (federal land; federal LEOs don't care what's legal in NV) - doggos will be sniffing your stuff.

No signature confirmation items.

Problem parcels will be returned.

(If you are desperate contact brcpo9[at]gmail / twitter during build week to make possible arrangements)

#BurningMan2023 #BurningMan #brc #BM2023 #BlackRockCity #usps #playafoot #posties #BlackRockCityInternationalPostOffice #giterdone #WeNeedTheEggs #BringStamps #buildweek #WeDeliver #EmbraceBureaucracy #onlyPO9 #PO9 #POat6

Return addresses are required by USPS, and a good idea in case your package or letter is undeliverable / gets held up in the mail (arrives too late) / or has other issues.

Those lacking RTS addresses will be considered abandoned, and will be disposed of.

We suggest you include an RTS address (as well as a duplicate consignee address) inside your package as well (invoice), in case your exterior addressing is defaced during transit or handling. If you're covering your exterior address (as a precaution to prevent water defacement), make sure your tape adhesive does not eat your markings (seen on some types of printed labels: gel-pen soaking through should work). We suggest testing your labeling, by setting a test version in hot/sunny place (your dashboard in direct sun for a day or two), or light toasting in an oven (max 150 degrees).

Interior packing is recommended. Your package is not only going through USPS handling: machines, bagged and unbagged, sorted and handled, delivery truck to and from hub to local post office, possibly loaded/unloaded on a plane (trips to and fro), etc. But then it may also be handled by drug-searching teams (feds tossing on the ground so dogs can circle them - no, they don't care, and can't be held responsible - they refuse to even account for seizures), Gate crew inspecting, as well as being in the bed of a truck bouncing over the ruts in gate road for hours at a time, while being jostled by building materials, amongst piles of bicycles, etc. Then it will have to be sorted (maybe several times), go on a minimum of one bike ride, etc.

Use bubble-wrap. Use a plastic bag, to keep interior contents together in case of a box breech, as well as protect against water ingress (spilled water bottles, rain, other boxes bursting, etc.).

International Burners:

These are the valid stamps to be able to send something from BRC to a non-US destination.

You might not be able to grab these at the Reno airport/shopping, if you don't plan ahead (post-offices are mostly open 9-5 Mon-Fri) as most retail outlets only stock domestic stamps. If you can avoid buying in Gerlach, that is best - as it is a small post-office (and may easily have exhausted its stocks of international stamps by the time you get there), and is only open part-time hours.

Make-up postage solutions can be found on the current postage rates page - be aware that these solutions will seriously eat into your writing space on a postcard (upper right-hand corner, flowing left) if you use them. Being prepared is best, order ahead. Second best option is to buy a pile of domestic stamps, and come trade with posties.

You can't send anything (swag) in international letters (as per UPU rule) - even if under 13oz. That includes unused stickers (why don't you apply them?). If it is obvious - your letter may get yanked by postal employees/machines, or come postage due (at parcel rates), or other bad things. If too many of you do it (push the envelope, heh), you may ruin it for everyone, and *our* post office may make us inspect letters. The simple solution for us (if newly required to inspect letters) will be to just refuse all international letters.

Posties running a window:

Here's some helpful information on the current postage rates, what international stamps look like (hint: print this page out), what recent postcard stamps look like (ie: stamps you'll likely run into). Why should you care? Because it's easy to make mistakes when you aren't aware of look-a-likes and other problems.

A posties' page, for things you should buy or bring, and links for training you should review.

Postal Nerds / Philatists (and those who've never sent s-mail before):

We have a list of USPS resources, if you want to learn more about the mail.


internationals.pdf beware.pdf

Who's Who and What's Up, 2024?

Planning on volunteering:



Here's evidence from the BMorg, and other places that we're the real deal.
(Click links to open in new tabs, if they don't resolve - you can also check their URLs)

We're placed for 2024:
2024: at 8:01 & Esplanade, next to Reverbia

2023: in 9&G plaza @ 3:01, next to Ice-9
drone stitch cu
2022: in 9&C plaza @ 5:59, across from Rangers ( alt)
drone stitch (cu)
Placement doubled the space we were responsible for. We had spare tickets.
2021: Did not attend Free Burn
2020: Did not attend Free Burn
2019: in 9&C Plaza
drone stitch (cu)
2018: in 9&C Plaza
aerial stitch (cu)
2017: in 9&C Plaza
aerial stitch (cu)
2016: in 9&C Plaza
2015: (not placed): 9:14 & I (man-side)
aerial stitch (cu)
We attended and did the mail even though Placement didn't like us, but you can see our friends.
I was also PO'd at the cops still not giving receipts for mail seizures, so when Reason magazine wanted to do an expose on drug dogs at BM, I spilled all the tea (which they (mostly) got correct - unlike RGJ).
2014: as PO9 in 9&C Plaza
2013: as PO9 Village in 9&C Plaza
BM Gallery: 1 2
2012: as PO9 Village in 9&C Plaza
aerial stitch (cu)
I think this is the year we went blue for the facade, with the international city names for our windows.
2011: BMOrg lost our listing, but we attended and were placed.
2010: Under our prior name: Black Rock City Post Office 2.0 (aka: The Black Rock City International Post Office)
aerial stitch (cu)
Had the dual-door lobby.
2009: as Black Rock City Post Office 2.0
aerial stitch 2 3 (none of these are hi-res enough for a cu)
Ranger Mailman joins Rangers
2008: BMOrg lost our listing. No more listings prior to this for us as an individual camp (which means BMorg lost those listings), I would have to check records, but multiple people think it was 2006. However, the year after we split off, we moved to 9 and got placement.

Origin camp exists (Black Rock City Post Office):
2007: Black Rock City Post Office
Multiple people say split happened for 2006, we were placed in 9 o'clock plaza.

2006: Black Rock City Post Office
Prior to this was definitely before the split:
2005: Black Rock City Post Office
2004: Lost: BMOrg lost the listing, we were in center camp
1 2 3
Pic of the General working a window. Pedro and ~ender perfed these stamps (and did the art for most of them)
2003: Lost: 1 2 3
BMOrg lost the listing, we were in center camp
2002: Lost: This was before my time, but next year (2003) the PO was placed in Center Camp, so I'm pretty sure the cadre and customers in 2003 talking about 'last year...' weren't all lying when they said the CCPO had been in CC for awhile. (also: 'Downtown' post office means Center Camp, re: pix#2)
1 2
2001: in Center Camp
1 2
Look, the BMOrg didn't lose it this year!
2000: Lost: BMOrg lost the listing (according to oral history, and this documentation:).

Prior to this; no listings - so BMOrg either lost the listings (however, I'm not positive that they lost them), *OR* Center Camp PO had not yet applied for placement (to get that sweet Center Camp foot-traffic) (but, the PO was in existence, and *did* do mail/performance art).

1999: theme camps
1998: theme camps
1 2
1997: theme camps
Is that person truly a disgruntled postal worker, or just a stand-up comedian?
POSTMAN OF THE PLAYA (Bluelight District)
This was the year that driving and cars and shooting guns were banned, prior to this the Post Office had not been forced to do mail, and was performance art.
1996: 1
1995: 1

* All Burning Man imagery is subject to Terms & Conditions as outlined on that webpage. Event Imagery can be used only for the poster's personal use and not for any other purpose, and (b) the Event Imagery may be downloaded or copied only in accordance with a Creative Commons license that prohibits the licensee from using the Event Imagery for commercial purposes, including CC BY-NC, CC BY-NC-SA, and CC BY-NC-ND.