Current Postal Rates as of 2018-01-28

Domestic Postcards	 .35

Domestic 1st Class	 .50
 adtl oz (up to 13)	 .21

Non-machineable 	 .21

International   	1.15	(no goods; new UPU rule)

Best makeup rates:

International	==	3x Postcards + Pears		== 1.15
International	==	2x Forever + NM Surcharge	== 1.21
International	==	2x Forever + Postcard		== 1.35
International	==	4x Postcard			== 1.40
International	==	3x Forever			== 1.50

First Class, NM sur	==	2x Postcard + 1c	==  .71
First Class, 2oz	==	2x Postcard + 1c	==  .71

Postcard, NM sur	==	Forever + 2x 3c		==  .56
Postcard, NM sur	==	2x Postcard		==  .70